Monday, June 15, 2015

How to Tell When Exterior Doors Need to be Replaced

When properly maintained, there is no reason why a quality exterior door shouldn’t last for decades. A time does come, however, when it makes more sense to replace it rather than repair it. You can only sink so much money into something before you start to spend more than what you originally paid. If you’re trying to figure out whether your door is better off being replaced, you should ask yourself the following questions:
  • Is it weathered, scratched or dented?Even with regular maintenance, one side of your exterior doorswill always be facing the elements. This can eventually lead to weathering (such as peeling paint and warping), scratching and dents. High winds can often cause branches and other debris to blow into the surface, whilst children aren’t known to be overly gentle with them.
  • Are there cracks or breaks along the edges or within the panels?Whilst this sort of damage is often caused by weathering or lack of care when using the door, it is important to note that this sort of damage is much more severe. Cracks or breaks along the edges of the entrance or within the panels can affect the security of your home, as well as let dirt and insects find their way in.
  • Do drafts find their way inside?During the winter, the last thing you want to contend with is a drafty home – even having the heater on quite high is unable to overcome the cool air blowing through. Whilst there are products available to help prevent drafts from coming in under the door (like those long, snake-like tubes filled with beans), they don’t really address the issue.
  • Are you struggling to get the door to hang level on its hinges?Sometimes, with age or with damage, the entranceway will no longer hang level. When open, you may notice that the top of the entrance sags away from the frame or that the bottom is far more loose than it should be. In more extreme cases, the whole entranceway may simply fall out of the frame when you open it.
  • Is it often a hassle to close and lock?Not being able to properly close and lock exterior doors can lead to security issues for your home – it could blow open during the day (whilst you’re at work) or during the night (whilst you’re asleep); it could allow your young children to escape into the front yard; or it could even lead to you being locked out of your home if it becomes stuck.
If the answer to any of the above questions was yes, it is advisable that you consider replacing the exterior door as opposed to repairing it. In justifying this decision, it is important that you not only think of the problems that exist with the current entryway, but also of the advantages that installing a brand new one will offer – an improved appearance, energy efficiency, security and ease of operation (to name a few).

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